
Current Projects

 The Bus Stop Project

Hay Kanto started as weekly art classes for street children at the local bus stop.

Daniel and Laura would bring art supplies to the street corner where the children would ask for money. They gathered the kids together at the nearest bus stop to teach an art lesson. After the first class, they realized that many of the children did not know how to hold a crayon or write their name. As few had had the opportunity to attend school, Daniel and Laura began incorporating numeracy, literacy and fine motor skills into their art lessons. As the project continued, they realized that the children were benefiting not only from their self-expression, but also from working together as a group. Neighborhood children joined the classes and it became an opportunity for all to share in the process of creating art. This was a unique experience for both groups of children as they learned that although one group looked different than the other, they could all have fun together. 

Many of the children in the group demonstrated artistic talent but had never had the opportunity to show it. They had never had the opportunity to interact with professional artists and learn about careers in art. This exchange and apprenticeship between Malagasy artists and the children will be possible in Hay Kanto’s gallery space.

The project continues to expand and is currently seeking funding.  In addition, Hay Kanto has recruited Malagasy artists to show their work in the gallery and teach classes to encourage the passing down of traditional Malagasy art forms and begin the apprenticeship program.

Gallery Project

Hay Kanto’s gallery sells works by Malagasy artists involved in the project. All proceeds go to the local artist and to help fund the organization’s projects in Antananarivo. The gallery  promotes Malagasy artists and provides local talent a space to show and sell their work.